Little Racers Street is available for purchase now on Steam!
Get it before Feb 13th and enjoy a 20% discount!
If you had purchased the PC version elsewhere, please check out this post for info on how to get your Steam key.
Tags: Little Racers STREET, release, Steam
It’s been two months of hard work, but we’ve finally completed everything we wanted to add for the Steam version of Little Racers STREET!
We’ve just submitted the game for the final release on Steam. The final date and price have to be discussed yet, but we’re aiming at early February and a base price of $10.
So what have we been working on these months? Well, lots of things, but the main features are the following:
- A whole new city with plenty of tracks and lots of events, up to ~200 total different events in the game
- 10 new cars
- General graphical improvements and new effects (such as water reflections or dynamic shadows)
- Full gamepad support via Big Picture gamepad settings. An Xbox 360 compatible gamepad is recommended right now, but it will work with any gamepad.
- Customizable keyboard input.
- Ghost cars on Time trial mode
- Full Steam integration: Friends, Matchmaking, Voice chat, Leaderboards, Achievements, Trading cards, Cloud saves, Full controller support…
- Complete support for Linux and Mac platforms
Stay tuned for more news, and don’t forget to check out another game of ours currently in Greenlight: White Noise Online
Tags: Greenlight, Little Racers STREET, Steam, White Noise Online
Little Racers STREET is nominated for IndieDB Indie Game of the Year 2013.
Help us by voting the game on . You don’t need to create an account or log in to vote, it’s just one click!
In other news, the Steam version is coming along pretty well, we have Mac integration finished and Linux at 75%, and new content (new city and new cars) is around 50% done.
Tags: Little Racers STREET, status
Little Racers STREET is the deal of the day on IndieGameStand, get it now for $10 or pay-what-you-want!
Also, if you pay more than the average, you’ll get another 2 games of ours: Zombie Football Carnage and Infinity Danger.
We’ve just closed the new cars poll and gathered the results. There was no clear winner so we’ll add a bunch of cars of each kind, as well as most of your specific requests (Electric cars included!)
Tags: Little Racers STREET, sale
Finally, Little Racers STREET has been approved on Steam Greenlight and will be available in the following months.
We’re currently working hard on creating new content and adding new features and improvements for the PC version. Among these improvements, we intend to add the following:
- Non-Xbox 360 gamepad support (X360 gamepads are already supported)
- Keyboard binding
- Text chat for multiplayer
- A whole new city with lots of new tracks
- Improve the original city with a better look
- Plenty of new cars, and improve some of the original ones.
- Ghost car in time trial mode
- Improved overall visuals
- Full steam integration (achievements, leaderboards, matchmaking, trading cards, steam cloud, etc.)
- Mac and Linux versions
We’re aiming to have everything finished mid January, we’ll keep you updated as work advances.
If you have any suggestion not posted here, you can comment here.
We have created a poll on Google Docs so you can vote for which car models do you want to see in the new version of the game:
Remember you can purchase the Desura version now and you’ll get a Steam key when the game is released there:
Tags: Greenlight, Little Racers STREET, Steam
You can now try the Little Racers STREET Demo and experience its top-down racing greatness!
This demo shows you the first stages of the career mode, with the slow and easy to drive E class cars. You’ll be able to try the multiplayer mode with this cars too, as well as the time trial mode. Download the game and see by yourself why this game is the best thing to happen to top-down racing in the last 10 years!
Try the demo now!
Tags: Little Racers STREET, update
Little Racers STREET, the best rated Top down racing game on Xbox 360, is now available for purchase on Desura.
You can purchase and play it directly by clicking on the link.

If you like the game, don’t forget to vote us on Steam Greenlight
Tags: Desura, Little Racers STREET, release
We’ve put together a working PC Demo for Little Racers STREET, so you can check the game.
Try it out!
Remember to vote the game on Steam Greenlight if you like it!
Tags: Greenlight, Little Racers STREET
Greenlight, the new platform that Valve has put together to help indie developers publish their games on Steam, has opened to the public today.
We’ve just submitted our best rated game, Little Racers STREET. We’d really love if you could help us by voting the game (as well as other great games on the Greenlight platform!).
You can do so on the game submission details:
We have lots of ideas for a Little Racers STREET Pc version, and getting the game into Steam is definitely the best way to help our studio making bigger, better games.
We have plans for submitting some of our better games for the platform as well, but our main priority right now is LRS.
Tags: Greenlight, Little Racers STREET
After a long delay, Little Racers STREET 1.2 has been approved and is available for download. It features the following changes and additions:
- New feature: Time trial. Now you can practice an event and go for a lap record anytime you like.
- 2 New Camera modes: Rotating (A bit like cenital, but it always looks in the direction you are going) and Chase (A more typical racing game camera. This is more for show and fun than it is useful though!)
- Fixed “Show Gamercard” not working on the multiplayer lobby
- Fixed some multiplayer related crashes.
- Player count HUD is properly updated when a player leaves
- Selecting players in lobby works properly after joining a game in progress.
- Now you can’t go back while finding games until the process is finished (could cause some stability issues). A message is shown in this case. We are aware this process can take some time (around 45 seconds), but we can’t do much about that.
- Added a time limit of 10 seconds for each race results screen when in multiplayer.
- Now games can be hosted/joined even for performance classes you don’t own yet: A stock car can be selected in this case.
- Added 12 new tracks (approx. 45 new events), some of them with crosses for increased fun :).
- New feature: Multiplayer games will be filled with AI cars if there aren’t enough players (Quick race has a default value of 6). With this, races will start even with just 1 player (he can race against AIs while he waits for people to join).
- Custom multiplayer games (the ones created via the “Host game” menu) now require the host to press Start before the first race (this way, he can wait for friends to join before starting).
- The HUD hides when you complete the race.
- Fixed a crash when a host migration was performed on the lobby screen after a race.
- Reworked the background tasks system (Hopefully fixing the P2P sharing freeze issue, and hopefully not creating new issues in the process :S ).
- Gameplay should be smoother during P2P score shares.
- Fixed a crash when kicking a player under some circumstances.
You’ll be prompted to download the game the next time you launch it.
Note: Multiplayer mode is not compatible between 1.1 and 1.2 : Games of different versions won’t appear when searching. You could be able to join 1.1 games via invites or guide, but it’s not going to work. Please update as soon as possible.
Tags: Little Racers STREET, release, update