Dev Diary: February 6th 2013

Hey guys! Here’s an update on the state of our current projects:

  • We’ve just submitted the Avatar Farm Online v1.45 update for certification, after making sure everything is okay. We estimate around 7-10 days until the process finishes though, so please be patient.
    • On top of the features already included in the never-released v1.4 (which was mainly an important bugfix release), we’ve included some new bugfixes:
      • Found and prevented a farm list glitch when using more than one storage device or user profiles in the same session
      • The game performs better when a storage device is pulled while playing.
      • Fixed Warmblood horse harvest money.
  • An update for White Noise was just released. It’s just a small update with some minor bugfixes:
    • Should have removed or reduced stuttering while playing on some circumstances.
    • Fixed Critical Error (NullReference on Player_OnScare)
  • Work for White Noise Online is approaching its final stage:
    • We’ve just finished animation for the 4 characters. We want to do some additional unlockable characters, so we’ll do some skins using the base models. These characters will be unlocked either by collecting pages or by purchasing other games of ours.
    • We’ve added a small perks system, so each character has slightly different attributes (some move faster, some are brave, some have a better flashlight…). We have to test this thoroughly to ensure they are more or less balanced.
      • This way, the characters are useful for single player too, since otherwise the character selection wouldn’t mean anything.
      • Some characters will be unbalanced on purpose, to add some sort of difficulty selection based on which character you pick.
    • We’ve started work on the menu interfaces, and added basic level and character selection screens.

Here’s a gameplay screenshot that reflects the current development state:

Game Screenshot

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  • Floyd says:

    That looks exactly like Velma from Scooby Doo. Was that on purpose?

  • WaaghMan says:

    I’m not going to say it isn’t :P.

  • SiaMoon says:

    You know, me and my friends were just talking about this and hoping White Noise would eventually be co-op online. This is brilliant. Really looking forward to it!

  • Raven says:

    I cant wait for the co-op online 😀

  • Ellis says:

    so what about adding ambient noises such as wind and wolf howling? and do we have to buy the online version of the game separately?

  • xSirBlacksALotx says:

    yeah cuz i really dont feel like getting 80 or more mp points to buy a good game again

  • Leonides says:

    How close are you guys to releasing the co-op?