Dev Diary: February 19th 2013

Hello people, good news today!

  • After spending last week testing and polishing things, we’ve finally submitted White Noise Online for certification! With luck it will be approved soon enough to release it this Friday, but we can’t guarantee it.
  • We’ve received a few reports on some issues for White Noise (the original) and Avatar Farm Online, so we’ll now spend some doing our best to fix them.


Here is the final version of the game box art too, check it out!


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  • Ive been following your dev diaries for awhile now and looking forward to White Noise Online being released. I work as a writer on, so if you release a press release or make an announcement regarding the release, could you forward me a copy of it so i can post it up for our members.

    All the best,

    Scott Reynolds

  • TheHypestBrony says:

    YES! I’ve been waiting forever for this 😀
    Great job guys! Can’t wait!

  • Raven says:

    EPIC! I want it! I hope it relesed really far! *Q*

  • Raven says:

    Can you guys making now a Game like Amnesia? I would like to love it *_*

  • Raven says: pls Milkstone look this video 🙂 a girl playd this game and its so funny 😀

  • Moises Perez says:

    Wait, It’s not gonna be an update for White Noise but a New game???

  • Soy1Bonus says:

    It actually cost us more to make this than the original White Noise, because of the animated characters, the new locations and such.

    And we can’t release paid-DLCs on XBLIG (Microsoft doesn’t allow it) so yes, it’s a new game.

  • Craig Warren says:

    Question for avatar farm. When I set the view to see my whole farm it would crash. Then the code 4, would pop up. Can you help me out. Thank you. I love the game- craig –

  • Soy1Bonus says:

    We’re working on a patch to solve that issue. We’ll upload it as soon as we can.

  • spart1n8r says:

    will it be 80 points

  • spart1n8r says:

    will you add modes for having white noise original

  • spart1n8r says:

    i love the character model.

  • Craig Warren says:

    Thank you.

  • Zodiac5517 says:

    This may stupid but i couldnt get myself logged in since it wanted me to confirm my email, so i’m going to stay offline and just say. White Noise Online is a great game to have but it can be better though


  • Raven says:
    A Lets Player playd it in coop 🙂 (1.500 Views)