Avatar Farm! Released and ready for download

Our latest game Avatar Farm! has been approved and is ready for download! You can download the game, or a trial version, from here: http://bit.ly/o2KSTQ

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  • Alexis Acosta says:

    Guys I purchased the game on august 11th 2011,and so far the game has froze my xbox 360 6 times in 1 hour,it may need a bug fix update.

  • Soy1Bonus says:

    We’re working on it, there should be an update in 1 or 2 weeks, as soon as it’s approved.

    At least it’ll allow to disable the P2P leaderboard system (which is causing the freezes).

    Thanks for buying the game, we hope you like it (problems aside). We’ll also try to include some more shop items in the patch.

  • MrHabbman says:

    Good Work Milkstone TEAM!

  • trev says:

    love the game but i need a higher level cap 16 isnt enuff a view of my whole field would be awesome and the option to move my avatar quicker too but those 3 things aside you guys made one awesome game thanks alot!!!!

  • kamuix20 says:

    hello, I’m french, so my English is bad I’m sorry, I buy the game two days ago, and the picture freezes very often, what is the problem please? it’s my xbox or your game?

  • WaaghMan says:

    It’s the game. Don’t worry, we’re working on it. Check out our new post for more details.

  • kamuix20 says:

    ah ok ^^ thank you , and long life milkstone !

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