Little Racers sales numbers

It’s been a lot of time since we posted our last sales data, so here’s our latest information for you to know.

Here are the current numbers (as of 09/16/2009):

  • Little Racers trial downloads: 50709
  • Little Racers full purchases: 2630
  • Conversion rate: 5.18%

The following chart shows the download / purchases amount over time:

Little Racers sales as of September 16th 2009

Little Racers sales as of September 16th 2009

Also shown in logarithmic view, so the relation between downloads and sales is shown more clearly:

Little Racers sales as of September 16th 2009 (Logarithmic)

Little Racers sales as of September 16th 2009 (Logarithmic)

As you can see, most of the purchases have been done over the first days, with an extra boost when extra countries were made available and the ratings system was implemented on first days of August.

We’ll post some information about our next game in a few days, among other new features on this website, so please stay tuned!


  • […] posted the last sales numbers of Little Racers and a Postmortem document with some additional information about the development process of Little […]

  • Yayo says:

    ¡grandes! ^g^

    ¡Grandes grandes!