White Noise Online 1.1 submitted for certification

It took more than expected, but White Noise Online v1.1 has been finally submitted for certification!

White Noise Online Update 1

It features the following changes:

  • New features
    • New characters: Invisible Man and Woman, Chuck and Hannah
    • New scenario: Isla Grande
    • Some info is shown on the upper left corner when a player is talking.
    • Added difficulty selection (previous setting is treated as “Normal”).
  • Gameplay changes
    • Changed Scout skill behavior to avoid accidentally causing other players to die.
  • Other improvements
    • You can hear the monster growl sometimes when it’s pursuing you.
    • Changed the way positional sound and attenuation works (to have a better control over individual sound attenuations).
    • Added a 4 seconds countdown when starting the game on the lobby, so players can have some time to select their character before starting.
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixed “black screen” issue when a player is playing online on a gamepad other than the first.
    • Fixed critical error when redeeming bonus content codes.
    • Fixed being able to climb to one of the hand statues.



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  • Zodiac5517 says:

    Good job Waagman and Soybonus01 you got the update up 😀 i bet there might be a slight increase in sales once the fans play the game again after school or work.

  • Floyd says:

    The game is awesome. I can’t wait for this update!

  • Zodiac5517 says:

    Me too, but I stopped playing it a bit but then again a new map does sound very interesting.

  • Raven says:

    me too 😀

  • Jack says:

    In the next update please make it so that the alive players cant see ghosts it will make the game much more interesting! Great job guys with the new update anyways!