Dev diary: January 3rd 2013
Hi everyone!
Today we’ve also been working on the next Avatar Farm Online update. Right now we have cute pets following the avatar with a simple AI. This feature is almost finished, the only thing missing being the animations and some more different pets to choose from.
Also, my workmate has been working on a new feature to recover farms if they no longer appear on your farm list. It happened rarely but it can be really frustrating, so we hope this fixes that issue.
He’s also been fixing the error screen because the error that was shown on screen didn’t always showed what we wanted. It made fixing some errors a little bit harder than needed. Hopefully now we’ll get better error reports from now on.
We’ve also been polishing up everything a little bit: updating the “how to play” screen, and doing little tweaks to the shop items.
Oh! And today a new update for Little Racers STREET goes live! It should fix an issue where the game took a to much time to start, so now it should load much faster. Try it out and tell us if it worked for you!
See you tomorrow!