Little Racers review stalled
If you follow our Twitter account, you might already know that the review process is stalled at 75%.
Why is that? The review process for Xbox Community Games (also known as Indie Games) states that, if the game is translated to many languages, each language has to be reviewed before getting accepted. That’s perfectly logical and understandable.
Our game is translated into english and spanish. That means that we need some spanish Premium users to review our game (2 people if we’re not mistaken). Sadly, it seems that not even one spanish reviewer has tried the game since the review started about two weeks ago.
That’s the main reason for the v1.2 update delay (around two months since it was finished).
It’s sad, but it seems that right now there’s no reason to translate our games into spanish, even when it’s free for us since we’re native speakers. It’s not Microsoft’s fault, we agree with the review process, it’s just that there aren’t many spanish reviewers out there. We’re doing our part of the job, and review other games in spanish as soon as possible.
Our apologies for the update delay. We’ll notify you when the game is available as usual. We just don’t know how much time it can take.
I have been waiting for the online update for months!!! I NEED MORE LITTLE RACERS ACTION!!